Bush, Blair Found Guilty of War Crimes! Charge of Murder against Cameron, Clegg, and Miliband.

November 25, 2011 — A War Crimes Tribunal in Malaysia has found former US President George W. Bush and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair guilty of war crimes for their roles in the Iraq war.

Blaire must now be arrested for High Treason under English Law and when found Guilty, must be given a public execution, along side members of the labour party whom supported his actions of war crimes.

Treason list is now being composed, there arrest, and charges for war crimes are to be put to the Rome Statute, which established the International Criminal Court, demanding the arrest and detainment of the names listed; asking for the Death penalty.

Cameron, Clegg, and Miliband and their supporters in England, and the Jew terrorist that are occupying Palestine; who were involved in the murder of Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi, by these European heads of government was a flagrant abuse of law and an act of aggression that led to large-scale massacres of the people; to appease the vanity of Clinton, and her Roman Catholic supporters.


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