The political parties of Great Britain are now above the law!

The three unwise monkeys miliband-407--131711522566233700

They have murdered leaders of sovereign countries, and now starting to murder their own people who do not agree with them.

As you are aware, on the 19th of March 2013 the House of Commons passed a Bill which will allow the Tory led coalition to retroactively change a law, a law which the Tory led coalition had broken, to protect themselves and ensure they do not have to accept responsibility for their actions and face the consequences that a court of law imposed. In this case, it was in relation to the illegality of the controversial Workfare scheme and the communication and information provided to job seekers. This Bill was passed solely to protect the Tory led coalition from having to reimburse job seekers of the money that they illegally sanctioned from them.

Labour assisted with rushing through the Bill by deciding to abstain from the vote. By Labour, abstaining from the vote it sends a strong message that they are no longer for the working people of Britain.

The absence of courage to stand up for the public has noted what was right. What has been noted is the fact that you have openly condemned this bill and have been quoted saying “This Bill is an abuse of power that brings no credit whatsoever on this Government and all the MP‘s that have been Elected by all subjects of Great Britain“.

We, the undersigned, ask you and the House of Lords please, do not allow this rushed Bill to go through any further and please challenge this Bill tomorrow, on our behalf. Changing the law retroactively sends a dangerous message that the Tory led coalition is above the law and precedent and should not be allowed in any way, shape. No one should be above the law.

The Tory led coalition should accept the decision of the Courts and take responsibility for their actions – NOT – change the law to suit themselves. If an ordinary person in the street broke the law and was found guilty by a court of law, they would have no choice but to accept the consequences and take responsibility for their actions. The Tory led coalition should not be treated any differently. This Bill must be stopped and the people of Britain must be protected from such an abhorrent abuse of power. It is also worth noting that there has been an almost complete media blackout in terms of reporting this story. It is frightening that a fundamental change to OUR law has been largely ignored by the media in Britain.





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2 Responses to The political parties of Great Britain are now above the law!

  1. Tel says:

    This Polish Jew is now telling us how we should live in our own house, he is supporting Cameron and Clegg on Benefits, which we pay fo0r out of our NIC; Miliband has never paid NIC and he is allowed to get the full benefit of our NHS; send this Jew back to Poland, and let him run that country?

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