TREASON in England by the National, Local Government, Military, Police, and Public Servants

Treason in England by the Elected Politicians (TEEP).


We, the British people, used to enjoy a protection afforded to very few countries in our World. Geographically we live on an island. Which has for a thousand years protected us from invasion, and politically, we made ourselves an Ireland by using the wisdom of those thousand years to create a Constitution with which to protect us from ourselves – by agreement and internal treaties between the people, and the Monarch our forbears forged a democratic accountability throughout the world.

From the time of the Glorious Revolution of 1688 the Monarch ceased to rule by Divine Right and became the physical embodiment of the people, who hold the supreme power of sovereignty.

The sovereignty of the English nation as defined and chronicled in the treaties known aw the Magna Carta; the Declaration of Rights of 1688, and entrenched in the Bill of Rights of 1689, is protected by the Constitution as enshrined in those documents which clearly forbids the surrender of sovereignty to any foreign power, overlord or the collective of foreign alien nations.

Any attempt therefore to plan or plot the surrender of our sovereignty to any foreign alien power or overlord is clearly, and unquestionably an act of treason against the people.

To ensure that anyone entrusted of Official Office does not so plan, plot or conspire to engage in such treason, upon taking Office all such persons are required to swear a solemn Oath of Allegiance to HM. The Queen or King as Sovereign Head of the United Kingdom, and to uphold Her in Her Coronation Oath.

So comprehensive and precise are the laws that uphold the Constitution that only by Treason and treachery from within can the protection of the nations people be undermined.


The nation is the sum of its people; the Monarch is Sovereign Head of the United Kingdom and the embodiment of the sovereignty of the nation – “the Monarch is the people and the people are the Monarch”.

It is the protection of the Monarch’s Sovereignty and the United Kingdom that the Laws of Treason were formed as early as 1351 – as the Sovereignty of the Queen, representing the Sovereignty of the United Kingdom people, remains with her until the moment of Her death, any attempt to kill or depose Her by stripping Her of Sovereignty is an act of Treason and punishable by a sentence of total life imprisonment or death, as Treason is deemed to be the most serious of all crimes.

To remove the Monarch would be to remove the protection the Monarchy provides to us the people so that we may remain a Sovereign independent nation, able to govern ourselves   with out foreign interference.


Has the rightful heir, her Majesty succeeded to the throne on February 6th 1952, on the death of her Father, and acceded to the succession by swearing the Oath of Accession.

On the day of her Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II, on June 2, 1953, having received the State Regalia into his temporary possession, the Archbishop of Canterbury, acting for the Church and State conducted the Coronation. The ini8tial part of the ceremony was the Recognition and Acceptance of Her Majesty as our lawful Queen. Having presented Her to the great congregation assembled in Westminster Abby, the Archbishop asked, “Sirs, I here present unto you Queen Elizabeth, your undoubted Queen. Wherefore all you who are come this day to do your homage and service, are you willing to do the same?” There followed a tumultuous cry that echoed throughout the Abby and via television and radio to the great British people and the world, “God save the Queen”. Thus was She elected to the Office and State of our Sovereign Queen unopposed?

Following this came the administration of the Coronation Oath to Her Majesty by the Archbishop who said to Her, “Madam, is your Majesty willing to take the Oath?” She replied in a clear and purposeful voice, “I am willing”. The Archbishop then asked Her if She would, “solemnly promise and swear to govern for the peoples of the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and Her Possessions and territories according to their respective laws and custom?” She replied, “I solemnly promise so to do”. She was then asked, “will you to your power cause Law and Justice in Mercy to be executed in all Judgements?” She replied, “I will”.

Then came the investiture of Her Majesty with the State Regalia and the Anointing, and thus She became the physical embodiment of the Sovereignty of the United Kingdoms people. Without that Sovereignty She would have been unable to call Herself our Sovereign Queen, and thus would not be able to discharge the responsibilities and duties that She has freely accepted in the discharge of Her Coronation Oath to keep Her people free from foreign subjugation from without and from subversion within.

It is for this reason that MP’s the Ministers of the Crown, the members of the House of Lords, the Judiciary, the Armed Forces, the Police, and all those who draw the authority for their Office of State from Her, such as the Lord Chancellor, swear allegiance to the Queen, to protect both Queen and State – in doing so protecting the people.

No one swears allegiance to Parliament!

It is the Queen who in Her Coronation Oath undertook, with the approval of the people to govern us. The Queen appoints a government to govern in Her name for the people, administered by Her ministers and to ensure there is no doubt as to whom is officially in charge  – when the Queen dissolves Parliament, Her ministers hand back to their Seal’s of Office.

It must be clearly understood by Tony Blair and his elected labour party, that Parliament being the Lords Temporal, Spiritual and the Commons, have no sovereign powers whatsoever – other then those loaned to it by the people. Parliament is no more than an estate of the realm and its members are elected, appointed or inherited representatives and servants of the people. All other elected members of Parliament should also take note of the above.

In order to ensure that Parliament is kept in check, the Queen acting as representative of the people has the power of the Royal Prerogative by which She can refuse to give Her Royal Assent to any Parliamentary Bill that She considers breaks Her Coronation Oath to Her People is unconstitutional or is not in the national interest. This reserve power has not been used for over a hundred years but remains a potent force should the need arise.


In 1972 the then Prime Minister Edward Heath and his Cabinet in total dereliction and betrayal of their Oaths of Allegiance to her majesty Queen Elizabeth and the United Kingdom people, knowingly plotted and conspired to surrender the nation’s sovereignty to a foreign power by signing the Treaty of Rome and passing the European Communities Act on Parliament. This was followed by a succession of treaties, mainly by Conservative government, except for Amsterdam shared by Major and Blair, and most recently Nice. Each of these disgusting Prime Ministers has surrendered sovereignty of the United Kingdom, taking away from its people their sovereignty, independent, and self-governing. They have divided the United Kingdom into sub-regions of the European Union with out the knowledge, consent or authority of its people.

From that moment Parliament itself became party to high Treason, and continued to act unconstitutionally and therefore unlawfully. By giving such controversial and duplicitous counsel to the Queen and Her ministers, have persuaded Her to govern in a particular way; that in itself is an act to Treason, by making the Queen breach Her Coronation Oath. Has a result of this treachery Parliament has unlawfully negated the Royal Prerogative and has assumed ultimate power over the people. Parliament has relinquished its role as national legislator and is assuming the position of administrator and agency for foreign power’s that have in the past waged war against us – what they could not do by force, they are now doing by using politicians that have the need for lust of greed and power, with the support of the middle classes and roman catholic community.


There can be no doubt that a coup has taken place by the parliamentary 600 Club; the Queen as Sovereign Head, and the people have all been disenfranchised.

A foreign style of dictatorship has been established in Parliament and is being consolidated by treasonous politicians. The plan is unfolding, and the political parties have substantially reduced party membership by abandoning individual political aspirations and identities, by colluding to discourage interest in the electorate in order to minimise participation in elections, so has to rig the votes – the British media are playing a very large part in this corruption of Democracy. Parliament is making every effort to destroy the nation state by dismantling and ignoring the Constitution in its devolution and rationalisation, using spurious measures, claiming it is Parliamentary reform in the destruction and abandonment of our leading industries.

It is now very nearly too late for the sovereign peoples of Great Britain to decide whether they wish to retain their identity and independence – contained in their island fortress, or abandon the concept and right of nationhood, and political self – determination has enshrined in the Constitution, accepting the oppressive dictate of external alien powers who are controlling the very essence of our now corrupted democracy.

Should the sovereign people of our lands want the former, they must insist on the upholding of the Constitution, the recognition of the supremacy of the of their Monarch and the Coronation Oath – the full implementation of the law to bring to account those who have engaged in treasonous activities designed to overthrow the peoples democracy and freedoms by surrendering their sovereignty to foreign overlords, and submitting the people to the dictates of a foreign power.

“Treason doth never prosper; what’s the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason. It is right to die for democracy and freedom by them who believe in it, and defend it, as it only right for those who rape and abuse it, should also die”

“Wars are seldom caused by spontaneous hatreds between people, for peoples in general are too ignorant of one another to have grievances and too indifferent to what goes on beyond their borders to plan conquests. The people are urged to the slaughter by politicians who know how to alarm them”

We are living in the most darkest days of our life times, having lived through a world war has kids; seeing our fathers coming back from that war believing that better times would be had for their children. We our selves followed our fathers in defending that democracy that so many died for, and our politicians have over the years, as in our present times have abused and raped for their own lust of greed and power. These Cowards have only just relented to allow a very brave man to stay in the country he defended, because of demand of the people.

Continued in Culling the Crow by and Copyright @ Raymond Northgreaves.

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