Democracy makes way for Corporatocracy “Fascism”

The United States of America is not a democracy and never was from taking independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain, but a country with an elected Despot elected from the plutocrats for the interest of Business; which is now nothing more then a “Corporatocracy,” in which we are ruled by a partnership of giant corporations, the extremely wealthy elite and corporate-collaborator government officials, “Fascism”. Notwithstanding, the truth of such tyranny is not enough to set most of us free to take action. Too many of us have become pacified by corporatocracy-created institutions and culture. The British political system has embraced this Corporatism premised on absolute control over all people, in destroying the very essence of our democracy, and freedoms.

Has a kid in the second world war an growing up in the aftermath of it, learning with understanding from my soldier dad, and his comrades in arms saying “people were now actually “free” we have rid the world from these Fascist murdering ‘bastards‘, and we can now build  our social education, housing, health and welfare needs; these were not just another empty promise – and the trend in life was toward a better tomorrow for everyone – at that time “control” was in retreat, and progress was the theme of every working hour. Now what we have is control of every idiotic facet of everyday existence – rules for every waking act, every thought that is not controlled is seen as the enemy of the corporatocracy state.

Our entire way of life has been stolen and shall never return to the lazy and hopeful days of living and loving, of joy and promise, with the possibility for doing real and meaningful things with one’s own life – not to mention being able to envision a better world for more and more people – whose lives were so far below the levels we enjoyed. Instead of that promise, instead of that possibility – what we have now is the outright worship of Mistrust, of Fear, and of Paranoia – along with obscene profits for those who have purchased all the politicians, and who control every facet of this once nearly free society.

The men and women who gave their all; either in the HM Forces, or in front line industries all fighting, bleeding and dying to defeat this tyranny that descended  over

Nations; became the new working class of the future, only to betrayed by the political parties, and the Trade Unions who they trusted; believing them to be the activists that would bring equality to all on a level playing field, what Scum they are.

Many people do insist that this political passivity problem is caused by ignorance due to corporate media propaganda, and others claim that political passivity is caused by the inability to organize due to a lack of money. However, polls show that on the important issues of our day – from senseless wars, to the financial bailouts, to corporate tax-dodging, to health insurance rip-offs – the majority of British subjects are not ignorant to the reality that they are being screwed. History is replete with organizational examples, of successful rebels who had little money but lots of guts and solidarity “are not afraid and will overcome one day soon”.

The elite spend their lives stockpiling money and have the financial clout to bribe, divide and conquer the rest of us. The only way to overcome the power of money is with the command of courage to regain our moral fibre and solidarity, we can then more wisely select from – and implement – time-honored strategies and tactics that oppressed peoples have long used to defeat the plutocrat elite.

Without individual self-respect, we do not believe that we are worthy of power or capable of utilizing power wisely, and we accept as our role being a subject of power. Without collective self-confidence, we do not believe that we can succeed in wresting away power from our rulers. Thus, it is the job of all of us – from parents, to students, to teachers, to journalists, to clergy, to psychologists, to artists and EVERYBODY who gives a damn about genuine democracy – to create individual self-respect and collective self-confidence, in a non-class system.

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